
Single-Asset Smart Vaults

Currently, our single asset vaults feature YARD. Earn high yields with our auto compounding formula without impermanent loss!

YARD/USDC Staking pool

In this farm, users can deposit YARD/USDC LP and earn even more YARD tokens.

Rest of the Auto Compounding pool

Currently, we support Raydium LP staking;

RAY/USDC RAY/ETH RAY/SRM RAY/SOL FIDA/RAY COPE/USDC STEP/USDC KIN/RAY MAPS/RAY OXY/RAY will be supported first, more pools will be supported at future.

Our smart contracts automatically compound your investments. The profit of these LPs will be given in respective LP tokens, as well as YARD tokens. We take a 15% (depending on APY) profit fee, and used to repurchase YARD tokens.

Last updated